Philips Senseo ECO

EPRO award: The key objective for the competition is to raise awareness of the value and versatility of used plastics packaging whether it be post consumer or post industrial, the opportunity to recycle this material and to recognize it as a valuable resource, not waste.
Plastic packaging design, improved collection schemes, advances in sorting technology together with a greater range of reprocessing opportunities and applications means that the need to send many plastics to landfill is gradually decreasing.
Therefore it’s key that we ensure that the consumers and industry recognize this progression and continue to sort and collect this material for recycling.
Industry advancements have provided the capacity to sort, reprocess and recycle – we need the users to supply the material, so that we can strike the economical and environmental balance. Fulfilling the demand of the facilities across Europe and reducing the plastics resources going to landfill.
EPRO believe that one of the most important ways of doing this is to raise the awareness of the products made from recycled plastics packaging, in turn showcasing a wide range of recycled products, thus creating a demand and maybe an appetite for new companies to start to design and manufacture more products made from recycled plastic – promoting the cycle of plastics.
This competition also enables the industry to further demonstrate their commitment and work in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility and for the consumer to more fully understand the scope of their environmentally friendly actions.
2011 winners are:
Cavalluccio, Childrens play equipment , EUROCOMITALIA S.R L – Italy
Zebra, Cycle lane indicator, ZICLA – Spain
Senseo Viva Café Eco, Coffee Machine, Philips NV – Belgium